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He didn’t like the film because of the dismembered bodies. He wrote: “In Mexico they really do dismember fools, I’m having a hard time enjoying a movie about it, I’m at the end of Purge 2 Anarchy.”

Sam Haskell (pictured), the son of a Hollywood star of the same name, has been charged with three counts of molesting his in-laws

Sam Haskell (pictured) The son of a Hollywood hotshot of the same name has been charged with three counts of murder in connection with the disappearance of his wife Mei Haskell, 37, and her parents

Haskell lived with his wife Mei, 37, pictured above, their three sons and their parents

Haskell lived with his wife Mei, 37, pictured, their three sons and their parents

Sam Haskell (black text box) talks to his personal trainer Troy Piedade (blue text box)

Sam Haskell (black text box) talks to his personal trainer Troy Piedade (blue text box)

Speaking to TMZ, Troy said he felt something was wrong with Haskell, who he met almost 15 years ago. Troy added that he felt Sam was “very troubled” but didn’t think his former client could be a murderer.

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“These shocking and cruel crimes have sent shockwaves through our community.” Weandwiththe continued continued continued continued

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Prosecutors allege that the day after the murders, Haskell hired four day laborers to remove black trash bags from his L.A.-area home.

One instructed him.

“When we picked up the bags, we could tell they weren’t rocks,” the worker told NBC LA, noting that the bags were soft and soaked.

When they peered inside, they saw “body parts, a belly button.”

‘I was surprised. Of course I felt bad. “We were tricked,” he said.

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repeated continued continued continued continued continued

Police search the $2.5 million, six-bedroom home where the young Haskell family lived with Mei's parents

Police search the $2.5 million, six-bedroom home where the young Haskell family lived with Mei’s parents

Other texts show the alleged murderer's relationship with his ex-personal trainer

Other texts show the alleged murderer’s relationship with his ex-personal trainer

The men then returned the bags and money to Haskell’s home, telling him they “didn’t want to be involved.”

The workers immediately went to law enforcement and notified the California Highway Patrol and police.

Prosecutors said Haskell was allegedly observed and photographed dumping a short distance from his home later that day [of] a large bag of trash into a dumpster in the 16000 block of Ventura Boulevard.

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His clients included Dolly Parton, George Clooney, Kathie Lee Gifford, Whoopi Goldberg and King Charles’ brother, Prince Edward. He quit in 2004 and founded Magnolia Hill Productions.

The suspect’s father was also CEO of the Miss America Organization from 2015 to 2017, but resigned after it was discovered that he had criticized some of the contestants in private emails, ridiculing one for gaining weight and another for being promiscuous designated.

Mei’s friends have revealed the perceived fear she had lived in for years over her family connections.

“Mei first brought up divorce when I got divorced in 2019,” a friend named Jenny told exclusively. “I told her she could do it, but she just felt like she couldn’t risk losing her boys.”

“Mei felt trapped,” said her longtime friend Jenny, who gave only her first name out of fear of retaliation from the prominent Haskell family.

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The LA dumpster where a woman's dismembered torso was found before the son of former Hollywood agent Samuel Haskell Sr. was arrested for murder

The LA dumpster where a woman’s dismembered torso was found before the son of former Hollywood agent Samuel Haskell Sr. was arrested for murder

“She said she couldn’t go because of the boys. ‘She was afraid that her husband, with the help of his very rich and influential father, would take the children away from her.’

“She said it wasn’t happening.” That there was no way for her to get a divorce.

“Maybe she brought it up again and then he freaked out.”

“There was also physical abuse,” Jenny added. “She told me that he had hurt her. He had beaten her.’

Jenny also claimed that Mei told her that her husband didn’t get along with her mother Wang and father Li.

The parents had moved to their home in Tarzana, 25 miles north of Los Angeles, about five years ago to help care for the couple’s three young sons, ages six, eight and 12.

“She said he was rude to them and ignored them.” “That they made him angry,” said a friend.

“They couldn’t speak English, but he made no move to interact with them.”

“When Mei’s youngest son was born, her parents moved from China to help care for the baby. They were very helpful in dealing with the children.

“Mei has no other family here other than her parents.”

Mei’s friends described her husband as “strange.” “He made sudden movements with his arms and just blurted out,” said one person who did not want to be named.

“When I first met him I immediately thought of Jeffrey Dahmer, same creepy vibe.” He walked very quickly with his head down, rarely looked up and never made eye contact.

“We are absolutely devastated.” Mei was such a shining light and loved her children so much. She wanted to create a wonderful world for them, and she did.

“Mei was the one we all went to when we needed help or advice.” She was always there for us. She was always so positive. She never complained. “Her boys were her everything and the boys loved her so much.”