1700630561 An explosive argument between Julie and Luc leads to their

An explosive argument between Julie and Luc leads to their separation in “If We Loved Each Other – 7 Days”.

For several weeks, the connection between Luc and Julie seemed fragile If we loved each other. Although they decided to continue their relationship, their trip to Miami sealed their fate in a different way.

• Also read: Julie is annoyed by his behavior while traveling and insults Luc with “If we made love.”

• Also read: There will be tension for some duos on Next Week’s If We Love Each Other

Last week there was palpable tension between the two contestants, which came to a head during a car ride through the “ghetto” of Miami, where an explosive argument broke out that dampened Julie’s feelings towards Luc.

An explosive argument between Julie and Luc leads to their

If we loved each other

While they were lost, Julie read the map and guided Luc, but he, caught up in the anger of the road, did not listen to her and acted according to his wishes. This deeply upset Julie, who did not hesitate to express her dissatisfaction with her traveling companion.

In response, Luc tossed Julie the keys and coldly offered to take the wheel.

“I’ve left boys for a lot less than that,” she revealed to Luc the day after their altercation.

1700630552 251 An explosive argument between Julie and Luc leads to their

If we loved each other

If Luc thought that everything would work out if he agreed with Julie, then he was completely wrong; This only made the situation worse.

“Emotionally, you’re definitely not the person I thought you were,” she told him.

Luke then suggested that they continue their journey as friends. For Julie, it was a sign of Luc’s denial, a way to avoid reality.

1700630555 480 An explosive argument between Julie and Luc leads to their

If we loved each other

Despite the obvious connections in the excerpt from the November 22nd episode, viewers can now understand that this tumultuous relationship, which has been the subject of so much conversation in recent weeks, is over.

Don’t miss: “If We Loved Each Other” Monday through Thursday at 7:30 p.m VAT And VAT+.

• Also read: Nothing goes well for Marie-Josée and Julien in If We Made Love

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