1700864808 Jean Marie Lapointe wants to help people prepare for the loss

Jean-Marie Lapointe wants to help people prepare for the loss of a loved one

Write the book Our last trip was a real therapy for Jean-Marie Lapointe, who tells about the last years of his father Jean Lapointe’s life.

Jean-Marie Lapointe knows that his work can help people, especially those who feel alone with the recent or future loss of a loved one. He has already received numerous messages and testimonials – written and in person – from readers thanking him for helping them get through these difficult times, and plans to meet touching people at the Montreal Book Fair this weekend.

“People will draw comfort from this book that tells the entire journey up to the final farewell,” explains the host, who lost his famous father on November 18, 2022.

The son re-read the notes and re-listened to recordings of conversations with his now deceased father to write this book full of emotions and advice. Because “when it comes to our family, we lose orientation,” the author found the perfect ally in the psychologist Johanne de Montigny when writing his fifth work.


Photo provided by Éditions Libre Expression

“It is a diary with all the stages that I experienced in the last three years of my father’s life. “It felt good for me to put my problems into words,” explains the 57-year-old host, who has made helping the most disadvantaged people his guiding principle.

He knows he has the privilege of being surrounded by psychologists who support him through this ordeal. “Not everyone is so lucky. I am convinced that this book will live for a long time and will do good for people who feel the big pot of emotions that we experience when we lose a loved one,” he adds.

– Jean-Marie Lapointe will be at the Montreal Book Fair on Saturday and Sunday at booth 2725 with his sister Anne Elizabeth Lapointe

– Half of the profits will be donated to the palliative care home Maison St-Raphaël.

– An activity not to be missed on Saturday at the Montreal Book Fair: Musician, singer and presenter Grégory Charles will bring confidential information and anecdotes about his late father (hero of his latest book A Man Like Him) to presenter Billy Robinson. At 6:30 p.m. in the literature room.

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