Tourists cancel due to threeyear cruise being canceled Check

Tourists cancel due to threeyear cruise being canceled Check

Boarding was originally scheduled to take place on November 1st in Istanbul, Turkey. Then the date was changed to the 15th and later to the 30th of the same month, now leaving Amsterdam in the Netherlands.

However, on the 17th, Life At Sea Cruises informed its customers that the trip was officially canceled and said it regretted the situation. According to CNN, tourists paid “tens of thousands of dollars” to travel across the ocean for three years.

Some customers even traveled to Istanbul, and the company guaranteed that it would cover the cost of tickets and accommodation. The company says it will reimburse customers in monthly installments starting in December the number of installments was not specified. Customers can also choose other cruise trips instead of a refund.

A man who bought the ticket said he was “sad, angry and lost.” He explained that during his cruising years he had planned to “live an extraordinary life” but now “nothing.”

“Right now there are a lot of people who have nowhere to go and some need refunds to even plan somewhere to go. The situation is not good right now,” the customer told CNN.