Served on a silver platter Victim manages to lock two

Served on a silver platter: Victim manages to lock two thieves in his van

Two young 16-year-old burglars may think twice before resuming their crimes after confronting the fake victim who managed to lock them in the boot of a van while they waited for police.

On Sunday, police officers in Torcy, west of Paris, France, served a silver platter to two young would-be thieves after they were called to the scene by the owner of the house the two young teenagers had just entered, Actu reported. Fri on Monday.

At around 12:30 p.m., the two 16-year-old young men forced open the apartment door and took a cell phone that was found there. At that moment they came face to face with the owner of the apartment, who intercepted them before they could escape.

According to French media, the man single-handedly managed to lock the two teenagers in the trunk of his van while he waited for authorities to arrive.

The two boys from Paris, who were unknown to the police, were carrying screwdrivers and adjustable wrenches with which they broke open the apartment door.

It is not clear whether charges have been filed against the two boys, but they were taken into police custody, according to
