The actress Laura Montalvo famous protagonist of the soap opera

The actress Laura Montalvo, famous protagonist of the soap opera, dies "Salome"

On the morning of this Friday, December 1st, the entertainment world was clothed in mourning for the sensitive death of the leading actress. Laura Montalvoone of our country’s great soap opera characters.

The National Association of Interpreters (ANDI) reported the actress’s death via her Instagram account. Laura Montalvo. Showbiz fans immediately expressed their sadness over one of the most painful deaths of 2023.

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The world of entertainment dressed in mourning. Photo: Instagram/@andi_mexico

Who was Laura Montalvo?

On the night of Thursday, November 30, the National Association of Interpreters (ANDI) wrote a statement reporting the death of the first actress. Laura Montalvofamous for his participation in several soap operas, some of which are the most successful in our country.

With that in mind, ANDI reminded Laura Montalvo He had an important career as an actor, starring in soap operas such as “Azul” and “Salomé”. She also shone as an actress in films such as “Satánico Pandemonium: la Sexorcista” and “El bien para nada”.

“The National Association of Interpreters announces the sensitive death of interpreter member Laura Montalvo,” he wrote.

That is known. Photo: Instagram/@andi_mexico

The world of entertainment is cloaked in mourning

After that, the sensitive death of the actress was confirmed Laura MontalvoFigures like Maribel Guardia and Carmen Baqué mourned the death and sent sad messages.

“Rest in peace,” the famous women wrote.