1701639322 Frederic Millaire Zouvi joins the distribution of Counteroffer – 7

Frédéric Millaire Zouvi joins the distribution of Counteroffer – 7 days

Seven months have passed since Christine began her baby project. So it’s a real estate agent with a round stomach who we find on the film set Counterofferthat promises a fourth season… intense!

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Frederic Millaire Zouvi joins the distribution of Counteroffer – 7

Photo: Dominic Gouin

In recent years, L’Équipe Lévesque has had the wind in its sails and has been able to compete with the biggest brands in the real estate market. Recently, however, home sales have been sluggish. “Christine is seven months pregnant and is worried about the future of the family business. She has to learn to delegate, even if she finds her colleagues less efficient than her,” announces Marie Soleil Dion, who plays Christine.

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Photo: Dominic Gouin / TVA Pub

“When Marcel tells her that his daughter was born six weeks early, Christine realizes that she is late in planning the birth of her child,” adds the actress. She decides to set up a schedule as if it were a real estate project. Stroller, breast pump, room decoration… she goes into baby mode! Already impatient by nature, Christine sees her mistakes magnified by pregnancy hormones: Beware of those who won’t be efficient in the office!”

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Photo: Dominic Gouin / TVA Pub

A bit of tension

We recall that in the third season finale of Counter Offer, Christine sought out a sperm donor to fulfill her dream of becoming a mother. At the same time, her ex, Marc Huard, showed up at her house and confessed that he still loved her. “You don’t have to wait long to find out if Christine has started to have children alone or as a duo!” assures the interpreter of the eldest Lévesque.

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Photo: Dominic Gouin / TVA Pub

In addition, in the first episodes of the new season we will find out whether Daphnée and Jade manage to keep their pact. We remember that after learning that she was going through with her baby project, Christine challenged herself to find the man of her life
the second vowed to remain abstinent. They both chose the day their big sister was born as the deadline to achieve their goal. “Seven months after this commitment, Daphnée seems to be on the right track. She has a lover, a nurse named Loïk. Even though at first glance it seems like they have the perfect love, there are strange little sides to their relationship. Is he really the man of her life? “That remains to be seen,” admits Emmanuelle Lussier-Martinez, who plays Daphnée.

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Photo: Dominic Gouin / TVA Pub

The pact

Jade, for her part, has great difficulty giving up sexuality. Noémie O’Farrell explains that her character “starts to fantasize about everything that moves, even people who normally wouldn’t interest her at all!” This makes it so difficult that this abstinence distracts her on a daily basis.” Despite this Despite the laborious pact, Jade still has to continue the work because she has a new registration: a pretty house, the property of which is unfortunately disfigured by a huge electricity pylon. The seller also seems nervous and realizes that his house isn’t selling quickly enough. Therefore, to reassure her client, the broker must redouble her efforts, as do her colleagues at L’Équipe Lévesque, to ensure the sustainability of her family business.

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Photo: Dominic Gouin / TVA Pub

However, the men in Marcel’s situation may find it difficult to get back in the saddle as he suffers the after-effects of theft by criminals posing as customers interested in buying a house. When he is alone in a house with customers, his bad memories will actually come back to haunt him. “The problem is that it often happens in the context of his work as a real estate agent,” points out Martin Roy, executive producer and director of Counter-offer. And because he has his pride, he doesn’t talk about his flashbacks to his colleagues. He doesn’t want to be laughed at!”

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Photo: Dominic Gouin / TVA Pub

The secretary of L’Équipe Lévesque, Norbert, also tries to do justice to his colleagues. “He is involved in all the intrigues because he is the confidante of the Lévesque sisters. He knows how to keep a secret and wants to live up to his reputation, but at some point he no longer knows what he should know or not, and who knows what. “It’s getting a little confusing for him!” confirms his interpreter Tommy Joubert. Alain Lévesque never stays far from the agency: “He doesn’t want to miss the different stages of his eldest daughter’s pregnancy,” whispers Martin Roy. He is already Marie-Lune’s grandfather and is excited about the idea of ​​watching his family grow.” And we share
his feeling!

Dad or not?

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Photo: Dominic Gouin / TVA Pub

Is Marc Huard the father of the baby or did Christine use the donor sperm? “No matter what the answer is, Marc Huard will be back this season! He still works for a banner in Estrie, but the real estate crisis is spreading there too and he is extremely bored with his life on the south coast of Montreal,” explains Martin Roy.


This season, several new characters add to the intrigue of Counter-Offer. “There is Simon Beaulé-Bulman, who we saw as a political advisor in the comedy La Maison-Bleue: he plays Daphnée’s lover. The owner of the house with the electricity pylon is played by Fred-Éric Salvail. A little later in the series we will also meet a rather strange customer, played by Frédéric Millaire Zouvi,” announces Martin Roy.

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