Gaby Espino talks about the hell she experienced with Edith

Gaby Espino talks about the hell she experienced with Edith González in “Mundo de Fieras”. Have they made peace?

Gaby EspinoVenezuelan actress and presenter, has revived it legal action who played next to the deceased Edith González when they recorded the legendary soap opera world of animals.

It is worth remembering that in 2006 Televisa broadcast this melodrama with the main role Gaby Espino, César Évora, Ernesto Laguardia and the late Edith González.

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Although the television project was a great success, various conflicts arose behind the scenes Gaby and Edith what would have led to this Both actresses became enemies.

On this occasion, the moderator once again recalled the controversial situations she had experienced with Edith in a lecture Rodner Figueroa podcast.

The famous woman assured that it was as big a problem as she would have liked “Leak” the recordings of the novel.

“You made my life impossible. I played the main role on Televisa, I was about 29 years old and the antagonist was Edith González, may she rest in peace. After that we made peace, she came to see me in a play I was doing here and she went into the dressing room and we hugged and so on.”

Gaby Espino

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He added: “It was hard. I was his first antagonist and he had always been the protagonist, and as a foreigner I became the protagonist. You made my life impossible, mind you, I don’t know if it was her, but everything pointed to that“.

The actress shared that since then she has faced a terrible phase in the project They hid his clothes and shoesbut he was never sure who did such evil to him.

Edith Gonzalez / Instagram

“I love Mexico, but At that moment I literally wanted to run away, In fact, I signed with Telemundo and stayed here in fear,” she concluded.

Although Gaby Espino confirmed that she went through hell In the soap opera Mundo de Fieras, he made it clear that his relationship with Edith González They weren’t bad conditions.

Who is Gaby Espino?

Gaby is a Venezuelan presenter and actress who began her international career in Miami in 1999. She has participated in several television projects in her country, in Mexico and in the United States on Telemundo. He recently appeared in the Netflix series “El rey Vicente Fernández” and “How to Survival Single” on Prime Video.

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