Emmanuelle Debever, actress who accused Depardieu of sexual assault, has died

Sao Paulo

Emmanuelle Debever, the French actress who was one of the first to accuse Gérard Depardieu of sexual assault, died the same day her allegations against her former costar were reaired on television last week, French media reported Thursday. (14).

According to the newspaper Libération, Debever died on December 7th at the age of 60. In 2019, she accused Depardieu of assault on the set of the 1982 film “Danton.”

According to the newspaper, the Paris public prosecutor's office has opened an investigation into the causes of the actress's death.

Debever, the star of French cinema in the 1980s, played Depardieu's wife in “Danton,” a film by Polish director Andrzej Wajda. In a 2019 Facebook post, the actress accused Depardieu of trying to grope her while they were riding in a carriage on set.

“This monster had a lot of fun during filming and enjoyed the intimacy of a carriage,” she wrote. “He slid his fat paw under my skirt to, as he put it, 'make me feel better.' I didn’t allow that.”

His claim and several others were included in the documentary “Gerard Depardieu: The Fall of the Ogre,” which aired on French television last week.

Last year, more than a dozen women made allegations of sexual assault against the actor, one of the most famous in French cinema, in a report on the website Mediapart.