The holiday season and roadside checks The Journal de

The holiday season… and roadside checks! – The Journal de Montreal

Road checks are particularly numerous at this time of year. Across Quebec, SQ police officers are stepping in to intercept people driving impaired.

“Regrettably, even today there are too many fatal or serious injury accidents linked to impaired drivers, despite numerous awareness campaigns and despite our presence,” said Nancy Fournier, spokesperson for the Sûreté du Québec at TVA Nouvelles .

If you are stopped at a roadblock, you may need to take a rapid test using an approved testing device.

“On the side of the road, it really is an approved detection device. “In this case, the police suspect that the person may be impaired by alcohol,” Ms. Fournier said.

If you fail this test, you will be taken to the Sûreté du Québec station, where you will blow into a breathalyzer. This device accurately determines the alcohol level in your blood.

Driving while impaired, whether due to alcohol or drugs, is punishable by up to 10 years in prison. A life sentence is even imposed if the driver causes the death of a person.

The full explanations can be found in the report above.