Bad Christmas for Cardinal Burke without a cardinal plate since

Bad Christmas for Cardinal Burke, without a cardinal plate since December: the Pope punished him for dissent

Instead of receiving Christmas greetings, since this month the American Cardinal Raymond Burke will no longer have the so-called Cardinal's Plate credited to his checking account, the benefit that the cardinals of the Curia are entitled to and whose amount, including social benefits, is around 5,000 euros. Under the tree was the Dubia cardinal with a significantly lighter wallet.

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The decision was officially announced by Pope Francis last month at a meeting with all ministry heads. Before Christmas the acceleration. Likewise, the cardinal, former Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura and former Chaplain of the Order of Malta, currently retired, will have to leave the apartment in Via Rusticucci, a stone's throw from the Colonnade of St. Peter, in a historic Vatican building with a view to the mediation road inhabited by other cardinals. The unusual, punitive measure had raised many doubts in the College of Cardinals. The general view is that Bergoglio sanctioned him because Burke – although always a fairly respectful and strict interpreter of current norms – continues to speak openly and critically about Francis' open-minded line. As a canonist, in fact, he always challenged the imaginative approach to certain normative documents, which was not always in accordance with tradition or the Magisterium. The last time he had not silenced his astonishment was before the Synod on Synodality, and he, along with four other cardinals, had pointed out to the Pope that the authorization to bless homosexual couples would be a boomerang for the entire Church would. Which then promptly happened.

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Pope Francis considered Burke an enemy and therefore wanted to sanction him by depriving him of his Vatican apartment and salary. According to malicious critics, the Pope said that since the American cardinal was very rich, he did not need Vatican money. However, we learn from some of the Cardinal's historical friends that Burke's finances are not so prosperous, so he is now looking for a house, but in an area that is not too expensive and certainly within his means. He will likely have some fairly wealthy supporters. Perhaps.

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The straw that would have unsettled the pope appears to have been a recent conference held by Burke in which he highlighted the theological breaks in the pontificate and concluded that it was necessary to pray long for the pontiff , because it seems that Christ is burdening his church. Then there was the document (signed by Burke along with four cardinals) to challenge the approach of the convened synod to allow future theological openings to be explored on topics considered taboo, such as the female diaconate , the question of homosexuality. the topic of life.

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The theological questions raised by Burke in this document (but shared by a large part of the College of Cardinals) were very simple: “Holy Father, is it possible that a pastor can, under certain circumstances, bless unions between homosexual people, suggesting that that homosexuals are homosexual?” To what extent would this behavior not be in contradiction to the law of God and the person's path to God?” And again: “In the future, the Church could have the authority to ordain women to the priesthood and thus contradict it that the exclusive reservation of this sacrament for baptized men is part of the very content of the sacrament of orders, which the church cannot change?” In fact, the divide within the church is becoming ever deeper and the fall of Burke will certainly not help calm things down.

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