1703924900 Veterinarian39s tips New Year39s Eve stress

Veterinarian's tips New Year's Eve stress

klo52-SE dog with fireworks

New Year's Eve often means a lot of stress for animals.

Photo: Shutterstock/Billions of photos

DKlosterneuburg veterinarian Dr. Eva Urban gives tips on how to avoid stress and anxiety in animals at the turn of the year.

While for us humans the turn of the year is happy with noise Celebrated, this day causes a lot of stress to our pets.

While Cats usually hides in a quiet corner dogs often with whining, whining and absolute panic.

For dogs, providing Retreat Opportunities, darkening the windows and turning on the radio and/or television is beneficial. Possible fear reactions should be avoided if possible ignored and are ignored by playing, throwing treats or something similar. Long walks are not recommended on these exceptional days. Various nutritional supplements and supplements may be helpful at the veterinarian Pheromones which, if used quickly and sensibly, can lead to stress reduction without side effects.

Only in exceptions is the application of sedativeswhich puts the four-legged friend into a state of sleep, is essential.

As Insider tip for dog owners: Due to the ban on fireworks in and around Vienna Airport, hotels in the area are a good opportunity to spend a relatively quiet New Year's Eve.