Use the gifts God has given you TopChretien

Use the gifts God has given you! – TopChrétien

Use the gifts God has given you!

Search the Scriptures

I urge you to rekindle the flame of God's gift that you have received.
2 Timothy 1:6

Others may not think you are important, but God does. And his opinion counts the most. Before David became king, he had to overcome two obstacles.

The first reason is his family's inability to see his potential. When Samuel the prophet searches for a king among the sons of Jesse, David is not even considered. Maybe it's because he's the youngest, his brothers seem more qualified, or his father wants to impress the prophet.

The second obstacle is Samuel's inability to recognize God's call to him. When the prophet meets Eliab, the eldest brother general of the royal army, he declares, “Surely the Lord has chosen him.” But God rebukes Samuel with these words: “Man sees what the eye sees, but the Lord sees that Heart” (1 Samuel 16:6-7).

Put it this way: David's problem is widespread. Maybe we don't believe in ourselves because our parents didn't encourage us. Some have great musical potential, but since no one encouraged them to take lessons when they were young, they gave up. A would-be entrepreneur who is criticized for his “crazy business ideas” is likely to give up on his youthful dreams.

If you feel this way, it's time to take responsibility for yourself and assert who you are. Start praying that God will open your eyes and bring someone into your life who will rekindle the gift within you.

Listen to the voice of God

Do you feel forgotten when distributing divine gifts? Take the time to listen to how God speaks to you today.

Praying is easy. Talk to God like you would your closest friend. God loves you and can hear everything. Here is an example of a prayer: “Lord, I ask your forgiveness because I believed for too long that you had forgotten me. Show me the gifts that lie dormant within me and help me to grow them, for your glory alone.” .Amen!”

Praise God

Praising God means showing our gratitude to him. Why are you grateful today for the gifts God has given you? Take the time to thank the Lord who believes in you and has always loved you with personal and eternal love!

Take action today

If this news has upset you a little, it's because it's intended for you. Try to remember your childhood dreams and your attempts that were suppressed due to lack of encouragement and consideration. Among them are probably one or more gifts, gifts from God, designed to help us grow. It's time to wake her up!

Honor the Lord

Our journey for this day ends. Let us pray together to honor our God.

“Thank you Lord, I know for sure that you have never forgotten me and will never forget me! Yours be the kingdom, the power and the glory, Amen!”

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