Organized crime is becoming disorganized –

Organized crime is becoming disorganized –

Even though Quebec saw a decline in gun violence in 2023, several major events marked the year, which was almost as bloody as the previous one.

• Also read: Murders: another bloody year in Quebec

• Also read: Bloody year in Quebec and the east of the province

“A year of great violence”

According to Roger Ferland, a former investigator with the Quebec City Police Service (SPVQ), this year has been “a year of great violence.”

The expert assumes that the Montreal City Police Service (SPVM) has managed to close several long-term cases in large-scale operations.

“These are decisions that come from politics,” believes the former investigator.

Organized crime is disorganized

The new generation joining the ranks of organized crime has upended the way things are done, believes Mr Ferland.

“Organized crime has been offering its power in a certain hierarchical order for years, but new trends can be observed. Young people with a new mentality have decided that they no longer respect that and that has led to excesses,” he explains.

“There is a law of physics: a force must be opposed by an equal or sufficient resistance. […] It is not true that it is time to resolve things. We must take strong measures,” he specifies.

According to him, mental health issues are part of the new reality that police officers have to deal with.

He also calls for the focus to be placed on prevention for young people.

Some statistics

In 2023, approximately 107 people were killed by firearms, a 50% decrease compared to the previous year's data when 5 vehicles were used to kill.

*Watch his full analysis in the video above*