Boninho detonates the brothers39 stewards and gives tips

Boninho detonates the brothers' stewards and gives tips

10/01/2024 7:50 p.m., updated 10/01/2024 7:50 p.m

After the administrators of the Maycon Cosmer profile published an official notice during BBB24 about the disability speeches related to Vinícius Rodrigues, Boninho spoke out. Clearly, the director of the reality show TV Globo let it out and sent a message to the famous ADMs. “Get real,” he said in a video posted to Instagram. To watch click here!

“Can I say something? How can ADM understand what the man in the house is thinking? The guy weighs something and then they come with a clarification that this guy is not… Guys, be honest! That doesn't convince anyone,” he continued continued.

Big Boss also took the opportunity to make a suggestion to the professionals who manage the participants' social networks: “Shut up and pray that they don't talk nonsense.” And follow the boat to whatever always wins. But starting to take clarifying notes, starting to discuss things out here, it's no use. Here's a tip!”

In the video's caption, Ana Furtado's husband also warned against excessive communication on the profiles. “This weapons of mass destruction plague hasn’t understood that this doesn’t work. Note of clarification, sorry, let the boys play inside and hold the BOs!,” he emphasized.

Finally, Boninho emphasized that what happens in the program stays in the program. “Does someone go away naked and stop talking to their friend? BBB is a game that runs indoors. Like the nude game, it is a fourline game. It's over, everyone, have a beer. Have fun. Whoever lost lost, whoever won took it. Everything is peaceful! Or not!” he concluded.

1/7Boninho ▲Boninho ▲Boninho is director of BBB ▲Boninho is director of BBB ▲and also of No Limite and Mestre do Sabor ▲1234567{{#values}}{{#ap}}{{/ap}}{{ ^ ap }}{{/ap}}{{/values}}

Maycon Cosmer's profile talks about prejudice

The debate began after Maycon made some jokes with the Paralympic athlete about his amputated leg. Vinícius suffered an accident and had to remove part of his lower extremity. “Let's play, Vini?” Tio da Merenda asked mockingly. “Take it easy [a escada], Vinicius. His face is already grim. He said he wanted to run today,” he continued.

At another point, Cosmer suggested that everyone give the sprinter's leg a nickname. “Let's give 'Cotinho' a name. Can we give “Cotinho” a nickname? Baptize you?” he asked, which visibly made the boy uncomfortable.

A controversy arose on social media. “In less than 24 hours of the program, Maycon has already been trained with Vinicius twice, and regardless of whether he bothers you or not, such a question should not be asked to an amputee if you do not have the minimum level of intimacy,” commented one Person.

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