Sertanejo Zé Neto of duo with Cristiano cancels shows after broken rib

the country singer Ze NetoHe, who is a duo with Cristiano, had to cancel his participation in shows scheduled for the next few days. He broke three ribs, the 9th, 10th and 11th ribs on his right side, in boxing practice and vowed to update fans on social media about his health. The singer has already started treatment and, on the doctor’s recommendation, is to remain completely calm for the next 15 days pending further reassessment. He returned to the Hospital de Base in São José do Rio Preto, in inland São Paulo, to repeat the tests after the pain worsened.

Continue reading: Zé Neto ‘encroaches’ on Gusttavo Lima’s life and says: ‘I’m the one who has to give satisfaction’

Gusttavo Lima weeps and says he’s not a “bandit” in a controversy over publicly funded concerts

This Friday, in the city of Catanduva, in the interior of São Paulo, the presentation will be made only by Cristiano and the duo Neto and Henrique, as the singer himself explained on the Catanduva Rodeo Festival social network.

“Thank you for the affection and all the positive energies. Have a party there, make some videos and tag me, I’ll be here enjoying it,” he said.

“I was training boxing and I was starting to feel pain, but at the time I didn’t realize it was something ‘bigger’ because I was hotblooded, right? But I went to the doctor and when I answered the doctor that the pain was bearable, they didn’t do a RayX. But it got worse and I decided to go back for a check up. And then they discovered these fractures. They broke three ribs, so my lung could be punctured if I don’t keep quiet,” said Zé Neto in an interview with the Metropoles portal.

Recently, Zé Neto has been embroiled in controversy for criticizing in one of his shows and on social networks aimed at the singer Anitta and the Law of Incentives to Culture, better known as Lei Rouanet. After this, many media outlets began exploring deals with small town halls around the country to rent shows by the duo and other country artists such as singer Gusttavo Lima.