More and more adult Canadians want to be diagnosed with

More and more adult Canadians want to be diagnosed with ADHD

The number of adults seeking diagnosis and treatment for attention deficit disorder (ADHD) appears to have increased dramatically, clinicians and ADHD advocacy groups have noted.

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This applies in particular to Dr. Gurdeep Parhar, who has seen a 25% increase in the number of adults presenting for diagnosis at his clinic in Burnaby, British Columbia, since the pandemic began.

However, not all met the diagnostic criteria but had a normal level of attention deficit disorder. An understandable situation in view of all the upheavals caused by the pandemic over the past two years. With the breakdown of routines and schedules, undiagnosed ADHD has come into focus for many people, said Dr. Parhar to The Globe and Mail.

“COVID brought it to light,” he said. People who have been doing well in a structured environment, whether it’s the classroom or the office, are suddenly getting all this unstructured time.”

There is also a greater awareness of ADHD and its nuances than in previous generations.

Wayne O’Brien runs a support group for adults with ADHD in Toronto. Before the pandemic, the group had around 100 active members who met twice a month. Meetings have gone virtual and the number of active members has tripled, according to O’Brien. Many newcomers are undiagnosed but convinced they have the disease.

ADHD is the most common mental disorder in children. It affects almost 5% of people of all ages, however it is estimated that 90% of adults with ADHD go undiagnosed.

There are strict diagnostic criteria for ADHD, said Dr. Parhar. Although based on a psychological evaluation, it must first of all cause dysfunction. Unless you’re struggling with work, family, or personal relationships, you probably don’t have ADHD, he claimed.