The story of an old Ukrainian woman who allegedly poisoned eight Russian soldiers by serving them zinc cakes quickly became popular. The story stems from a video posted by former deputyturnedadviser to Ukraine’s Interior Minister Anton Gerashenko, which allegedly depicts allegedly wiretapping a conversation between a girl and a Russian soldier. He initially complains about the situation in which the troops find themselves: “We have nothing to eat here. The duck was kidnapped yesterday! We’re bombing the stores. We’re starving! ». Then he tells of a “babushka” who allegedly offered the Kremlin militias who were trying to fast a cake containing zinc and killed eight of them immediately.
The news was picked up by various newspapers and also spread a lot on social networks. It is based on unprovable evidence as we cannot confirm the authenticity of the published conversation, but it is exploited by the Ukrainian media to demonstrate the weakness and exhaustion of the “intruder”. In this war, which is also waged with declarations in which truth and fiction are not always easy to distinguish (think of Zelenskyi’s deep fake, in which the artificial double of the Ukrainian leader asked the troops to lay down their arms), what is What is certain is that the war between Moscow and Kyiv will continue unabated. Today, on the twentyfifth day since the conflict began, news broke of a bomb attack on a school in Mariupol, Ukraine, where about 400 people had taken refuge. While Ukrainian forces claim to have killed 14,400 Russian soldiers since the invasion.