Over the weekend, a driver holding the steering wheel of a rented Tesla set off over a hill in the Echo Park district of Los Angeles and landed on another vehicle at the end of the street. One of those vehicles is allegedly owned by Jordan Hook, whose Subaru Forester was destroyed in the process. And to make up for his loss, Hook started GoFundMe.
“Hello, I’m Jordan, a local musician here in Los Angeles. Last night, I woke up to the sound of a shocking crash outside the window after midnight,” Hook wrote to GoFundMe. “I came out to see the destroyed Tesla plunging behind Subaru. People scrambled from the crashed Tesla, cell phones and cats (likely in the car when they jumped). And boarded another Tesla that was blocking the street at this point. Then they just took off. “
Hook embeds Alexche’s video showing exactly what happened from multiple different camera angles. This video was removed from Hook’s GoFundMe due to Choi’s own alleged copyright infringement.
Hee-seop Choi’s video people have determined that Hook’s Forester has only done some damage to the rear bumper, but Hook tells another story:
This guy claims in his video that my car wasn’t heavily damaged, but this isn’t true. The back is just hit by the bumper. But my wheels were turned towards the curb, and when Tesla hit my car, it jumped over the curb, twisted and twisted the wheels down, and now I can’t drive.
I just put in a new motor last month and put almost $ 5,000 in this car, which wiped out my savings. Fortunately, my neighbors Johnny and Cliff have rallyed Baxer Street to create Go-Fund Me as a way to support me and show everyone jumping cars on the streets of the neighborhood in the middle of the night. I made a suggestion. Likes and followers are not cool.
Some people on social media have already asked why Hook went to GoFundMe instead of the insurance company to report a hit-and-run. This is a very valid question. However, car insurance claims can take weeks or months to resolve and there is no guarantee that the hook will be indemnified for the entire vehicle at the end of the process. Also, in the case of Hook, the police did not seem to be very helpful. This can further slow down the billing process. If you need a vehicle as soon as possible, you tend to set up GoFundMe rather than waiting for insurance to handle things.