US President Push Biden Wants Abortion Rights Nationwide

US President Push: Biden Wants Abortion Rights Nationwide

From: 06/30/2022 21:09

The United States Supreme Court recently struck down the fundamental right to abortion. This makes them difficult in many places. The US president now wants to circumvent parliamentary rules to enshrine a national abortion law.

US President Joe Biden has called for the suspension of an old rule in the Senate to legislate for a nationwide abortion right in the United States. Biden expressed his support for this effort at a press conference concluding the NATO summit in Madrid. However, the chances of success for this path are currently low.

Biden criticized the US Supreme Court’s abortion decision as scandalous and destabilizing during his appearance. He urged American citizens to vote in the November congressional elections, even if they consider the decision a mistake. That’s the only way to change that.

STF revokes historic decision

Currently, there is no federal law in the United States that allows or prohibits abortion. Because the Supreme Court recently overturned an old fundamental judgment that allowed abortions at least until the fetus was viable — that is, until the 24th week. That 1973 ruling, known as “Roe v. Wade,” was reinforced by another 1992 judgment, and case law was adjusted at the time.

The Supreme Court’s recent departure from this jurisprudence has paved the way for separate laws in individual states. In about half of them, abortions are likely to be severely restricted or even banned.

Biden wants exception to parliamentary rules

Biden has already announced that he will do everything possible to ensure that women have access to abortion. However, her options are limited. “We have to enshrine Roe v. Wade in law. And we can only achieve that if Congress votes in favor,” Biden said in Madrid. “And if obstruction gets in the way of that, it must be like voting rights that we make an exception for that.”

However, Biden’s Democratic Party only has a slim majority in the Senate. It controls 50 seats, or exactly half – and is therefore regularly slowed by obstruction.

What is obstruction?

Of obstruct is a 100-plus-year-old regulation that states that for many bills, 60 of the 100 US senators must agree to end the debate in order for the House of Congress to vote.

By constantly talking – sometimes the mere threat is enough – a minority can impede or delay the adoption of a decision. Under the rules of procedure, US senators can speak for as long as they like.

The longest speech was given by Strom Thurmond of South Carolina in August 1957: 24 hours and 18 minutes.

Low odds for Biden

Democrats have tried to enshrine the right to abortion in federal law, but have failed with that provision, as in other cases.

Faced with the blockade by Republicans, Democrats in the Senate already wanted to make an exception to the obstruction rule in an electoral reform. However, two dissidents from his own ranks also voted against: Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema. The chances of success are therefore considered low.

Biden urged voters to vote in the November elections to shift the balance of power in Congress. Because Biden’s Democrats risk losing their narrow majority in one or even both houses of Congress in the election.

“Scandalous behavior of the Supreme Court”

When asked in Madrid whether the court ruling would damage the United States’ international reputation, Biden denied it and said the country was doing well overall. “America is better positioned to lead the world than ever before,” Biden said.

The economy, for example, is strong and the inflation rate is lower than elsewhere. “The only thing that is destabilizing is the outrageous behavior of the US Supreme Court,” said the US president.

After the abortion verdict: US Health Secretary outlines plans for Biden’s administration

Reinhard Baumgarten, SWR, 01/07/2022 06:42