1666296075 Now fix it Who gets an extra bonus in addition

Now fix it! Who gets an extra bonus in addition to the weather bonus readers

The 500 euro climate bonus has been paid. Thousands of postal workers must now be thanked for their additional work.

In recent weeks, more than 1.2 million weather bonus vouchers have been mailed. People who had their primary residence in Austria for 183 days were transferred to an account or sent as a Sodexo voucher. For 15,500 postal workers, the delivery and processing of bonuses over the past few weeks has meant considerable additional work. With payments at branches and the Correio’s own “Banco 99”, extraordinary things were achieved.

Andreas Schieder, head of the FSG union at the Post Office, has already applied for a . As “Heute” learned from well-informed circles, this should be between €75 and €100 (net) – plus “goodies” should also come at the top. In the coming weeks, the Post’s board is expected to announce what the bonus will be for the bonus.

150,000 letters are available in the Post

The weather bonus payments were officially completed on Tuesday, October 18, 2022. At this time, there are still around 150,000 RSa letters in the post office and they can be picked up by people. However, anyone who is entitled to claim and has not received the bonus on their account or vouchers should now actively seek out the Ministry of Climate Protection. “Each case is individually verified and evaluated by us”, says the ministry. It was once again emphasized that no one would “slip”.

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