ExTrump adviser warns Why Putin must be defeated in 4

ExTrump adviser warns: “Why Putin must be defeated in 4 weeks”

Sooner or later war would break out. It was only a matter of time. word of Alexander Vindmann, a lieutenant colonel who worked at the US embassy in Moscow between 2012 and 2015 and director of European affairs in Trump’s National Security Council. Now he is among the pundits urging Biden to send crucial military aid to Kyiv, for which the timing factor becomes fundamental: either everything ends as soon as possible, or the West could really be dragged into a world war wanted and caused by Putin.

“Next 4 Crucial Weeks”

“We’re going in the right direction, but I fear too much is happening slow in relation to the battlefield. The next 4 weeks are critical. If Putin secures the east and Mariupol, the war will not end there: he will continue to advance west,” Vindman told Corriere della Sera. The only way he can end the conflict is if in the next 45 Weeks, “Russia is being systematically defeated, battle after battle, preventing them from continuing largescale combat operations,” he adds, “so that the conflict can intensify, instead of” this broad and disastrous war. So far, the USA and NATO have been sidelined, with the Ukrainians decisive. The problem is that the Ukrainians have also suffered losses.”

Putin’s nuclear threat

As we have seen in Giornale.it, the Russian tsar often, directly or with his followers, threatens the nuclear “button” hypothesis in order to intimidate the NATO countries. The truth is that there is a real danger of a long war in which weapons can be used chemical. The former city councilor speaks of years, but at best of months. The Russians are reduced to a minimum, they had to revise their strategies of conquest and now they only have the Donbass, less than the minimum target. But it is also true that they are equipped with a tremendous availability of military equipment to be able to regain control, while “I cannot believe that Russia can sustain this level of fighting for more than six months if they continue to take casualties ‘ he explains to Vindmann. .

The connection with impeachment

The former director was the one who revealed the phone call between Trump and Zelenskyy “because I feared the conditions for war would be unleashed. We’re in this war because of the corruption which took place in the summer of 2019 and during the subsequent impeachment and for the remainder of Trump’s term in office, with his praise of Putin before and after the start of the conflict…” According to Vindman, therefore, there would be a direct connection with this war as a signal to Putin that Ukraine does not enjoy bipartisan support “and the Republican establishment would not have defended it.” If he hadn’t disclosed anything, he admits, Trump would have managed to get the Biden investigation and maybe won if he were in his second term,” he said would further undermine US democracy, he would probably end the alliance with NATO and welcome Russian aggression in Ukraine.All things considered, I think that would be the case worse“.

“They treat Ukraine badly”

Obviously an expert on the United States, Vindman believes it wasn’t so much Biden as his advisers, top and very loyal administer Afghanistan is bad and now “they are doing the same to Ukraine. Even in the White House, many figures would accept the possibility that Russia could also take larger areas of southern and eastern Ukraine, which would force Kyiv to negotiate. However, the mistake is to think that “after some successes, Putin will quit, but that is not the case: he will encourage him and only serve to prolong the war”.

Finally, a thought for the Russian tyrant: Why don’t his followers try to dissuade him from his intentions? Why are war crimes and genocide committed? “A lot of these people have been with the president for a long time, they’re loyal to him and the president is loyal to them, but that’s the recipe for one catastrophe if they are not willing to give it critical advice when it needs to, rather than trying to protect it and end up damaging it. That’s what happens when you have a following that feels accountable to you and not the country,” he concludes.