1667059637 Tragedy in Rai the chilling confession from earlier Suddenly gone

Tragedy in Rai, the chilling confession from earlier: “Suddenly gone”

Tragedy at the RAI company, a chilling confession leaves the public speechless: this is it

The RAI company, as many know, it is one of the main television communication and media hubs, which has dedicated part of its entertainment to various themes ranging from variety shows to talk shows and reality shows that entertain and leave audiences speechless (im positive sense). and negative). Recently, in one of the Rai programs directed by Eleonora Daniele, which always gets an excellent share, a confession was made that the public found chilling.

Eleonora Daniele seriously Curiosities about Italian Rai stories (web photo)

More often than not, Rai programs always touch on subjects of a certain kind that they can arouse and awaken to keep the audience engaged by creating a real partnership between the media itself and the spectator, thus transforming it into a given auditel. This defines when a program is successful.

Among the RAI formats that achieve a good share, we find that directed by Eleonora Daniele, one of the women most appreciated by the public for her enormous professionalism and talent. The woman has managed to make herself known for her ability to tackle some issues, sometimes considered very serious, in the same program as described above.

Usually the program Rai, Italian Stories, joins viewers on Rai Uno every morning from 9.50am. The transfer is now in its twelfth edition and, as we have already mentioned, it deals with current events with in-depth analysis, along with the participation of celebrities from the entertainment world but also “nip” (people unknown in the entertainment world).

Eleonora Daniele has been directing the Rai Storie Italiane program since 2017, but in the meantime has directed other programs such as Miss Italia and im Zecchino d’Oro or the direction of Il Sabato italiano and Senato & Cultura – Il futuro ist donna ?. A truly chilling confession was made during the RAI program.

Eleonora Daniele and grief in the RAI program

Eleanor seriously The grief of Eleonora Daniele in the Rai program (Web Photo)

Today the presenter of the Rai program Italian Stories seems very happy about the birth of her daughter, but some time ago she was struck by a grief that completely changed her life: the death of her beloved brother, which caused her much suffering.

In an interview granted to the weekly Gente, the great Eleonora Daniele admitted: “I was disillusioned. My brother suddenly left, leaving me with an unbridgeable void and a lot of guilt. You wonder why it happened to him and not to me…It’s not easy to grieve, but to survive you have to do it. I do this every day, but I admit that a bit of disillusionment remains.”