The nurse amputates the patients foot without his consent for

The nurse amputates the patient’s foot without his consent for display at a stuffed animal store

Mary K. Brown, a 38-year-old nurse, amputated a patient’s frozen foot without his permission to display at her family’s stuffed animal store. This macabre fact happened in the state WisconsinUNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

As US media reports NBC News, the woman removed the frozen foot of a 62-year-old patient at the Spring Valley Health and Rehabilitation Center on May 27. Brown was accused of physically abusing an elderly person as she intentionally caused great physical harm and chaos.

The victim fell in his home due to heat loss, which caused him “severe frostbite”. The nurse stated that she had her foot amputated because of it “gloomy state”. In the words of the Director of Nursing, before being cut, the foot was “dead, had a bad smell and was held in place by a tendon”.

To sever the victim’s right foot, Brown would have severed the tendon with scissors and completely severed it without a doctor’s orders. The foot was later placed in a freezer in a bag to be sent with the victim when he died.

Brown told a colleague of his sinister plan to take the victim’s foot home and “epoxy coat it,” a type of acrylic that would serve to cover the old man’s amputated foot.

The Spring Valley Health and Rehabilitation Center spoke up, saying Brown no longer works there and the center “will continue to cooperate fully in the investigation of this matter.”

The nurse will appear in court on December 6. If convicted, she faces up to 40 years in prison on each felony charge and an additional six years in prison on each elder abuse charge.