Why Youll Never See Live From The Universe Of France

Why You’ll Never See Live From The Universe Of France Beaudoin

She orchestrated and still orchestrates the musical worlds of the entire Quebec artist colony. However, France Beaudoin never had an out-of-universe live of her own. And… it won’t happen if we trust the categorical words of the main protagonists and their entourage on the set of their favorite Saturday show! Explanations.

Of course, one should never say never, but opinion seems to be unanimous among France Beaudoin’s troops. We understand that it would be bizarre, even illogical, to concoct the musical universe of France.

During our visit behind the scenes of the meeting last Saturday (read our file here), when Michel Fugain was the main guest (an experience that moved him deeply, as we tell you here), we dared the “killer question” and we got it otherwise a generous answer.

“It’s not possible,” argued Josée Beaudoin, content co-producer and sister of France Beaudoin, who leads the content team. “I wouldn’t even mess with someone’s rhythm to surprise them. I couldn’t. It’s too definite, too clear. It’s a nice concept, for others. That’s how she designed it and that’s how it’s evolving. »

“In addition, all the guests who leave here can imagine themselves immersing themselves in the world of France Beaudoin, and they are not wrong. Are we going to isolate 15 of them? no It’s in his nature to be like that. This is where real bonds are formed, they’re great…”

The captain of the tall ship straight from the universe, who sees herself on the show for a very long time, as she explains to us here, quite simply perceives herself as the spoiler and not the spoiler. score bar. She confirmed this to us “live” from her makeup chair while her makeup artist applied lip gloss and blush.

“I can’t imagine saying this week I’m creating a universe for myself! That can not be. That. Not. se. can. Not. It is not possible! ‘ France Beaudoin claimed, before adding another important clarification:

“No more than I could do Vincent (Graton, his wife, editor’s note). This is inappropriate. We’ve done it on occasions where it was quickly passed that it was one among many, like when it was on the Radio Canada program. We don’t want to rule it out, but we routed it through something else…”

We also know that France Beaudoin and Vincent Graton’s son, Théo, practices the art of dancing. At 15, the teenager recently stood out on Revolution. Could he one day join the Live from the Universe dancers? Again, the answer is no, his mother told us.

“If you ask him, he will say that he will send his CV and that of all his friends! »

Are you curious to see which personalities will be celebrated at En direct de l’univers after Christmas? We offer you some tips here.

And see the agility with which the team knows how to maneuver when an unforeseen event thwarts original plans.