Massive Ukrainian attack on nuclear power plant

Massive Ukrainian attack on nuclear power plant

The Zaporozhye nuclear power plant was the target of the attack

Units of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant. (Photo: Konstantin Mikhalchevsky/ Sputnik).

Ukraine’s armed forces carried out a massive attack on the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant on Saturday, Renat Karchaa said, Advisor to the Director General of the Russian state-owned nuclear energy concern Ros-energo-atom.

The consultant explained that 12 hits were registered against the facility and stressed that the affected area was the perimeter of the facility, not the industrial zone and other adjacent areas.

The new attack left no casualties. However, the official stressed that offensives of this type can cause nuclear contamination of the area.

Karchaa reiterated that there had been no attacks on the plant itself since late September, and suggested that the lull in offensives against the plant may be related to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) mission, which recently conducted inspections at the site.

(With information from Radio Reloj)

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