Sitting on Santas lap Only with reservation

Sitting on Santa’s lap? Only with reservation

From Montreal to Quebec, malls have several policies in place to regulate children’s photographing with Santa

• Also read: Santa Claus Parade: an opportunity to bring joy to children

• Also read: The world of holidays in a boutique

Children who want to meet Santa Claus and enjoy the magic of the holidays need to follow a number of measures. Among these, the most common is the reservation: this year you have to meet Santa Claus to sit on his lap.

We hope to reduce traffic, which will benefit the spread of viruses, but also the waiting time in the queues.

Another important measure concerns the development of seating for children in several shopping centers, not on Santa’s lap but at his side.

“Distancing is important because of the different viruses that are circulating, but we also have to take into account that some children are afraid of Santa Claus, so children can keep their distance, that’s not a problem,” explains Bernard Desjardins, co-owner of Santa Claus Agency.

Even the measures cannot detract from the magic of the Christmas season, assures Mr. Desjardins.

“Kids can give us gift lists and then tell us what they want. The distance doesn’t really make a difference,” he concludes.

Nicolas Désourdy, Executive Vice President and Partner at Carbonleo, makes a similar observation.

“We are taking the necessary measures, it is one family at a time. Our elves wear masks. We have a small bench next to Santa to take photos. But the most important thing is to bring joy back into everyone’s hearts,” he said.

Overall, the parents surveyed agree on the importance of the measures.

“You teach me, we weren’t aware of it. But if there are new instructions, we will certainly agree because we want to try to protect everyone,” says a concerned father.

“We have to live with that, we have no choice. Of course it was more comfortable when it was on the knees, but hey, we made it, ”admits one mother.

In the coming weekends you will need to reserve your spot to meet Santa Claus.