Leonardo on children One can add that there is not

Leonardo on children: “One can add that there is not half my strength”

Leonardo spoke to the LeoDias column during the cabaret cruise, which he and Bruno & Marrone directed. The singer surprised with the answer to the question of whether he sees himself in one of the children and whether he sees one of them as he was years ago.

“I’m a lot better than them, you can add them all up and there’s not half my willpower, my composure, my seriousness despite the jokes I make,” Leonardo said.

Leonardo in an interview with the Leo Dias column about Navio CabaréLeonardo in an interview with the Leo Dias column about Navio Cabaré

Leonardo in an interview with the Leo Dias column on Navio CabaréReproduction

Leonardo poses for photos backstage at a concert in BH metropolisesLeonardo show postponed

Bolsonarista, Leonardo moved show to RoadblockReproduction/Instagram

Advertising by Metropoles 1 PartnerSinger Leonardo with a blue tank top follows a fish in a boat  MetrópolesLeonardo

LeonardoPhoto: Instagram/Playback

Photo Leonardo Revelation Virginia

Virginia’s mom and Ze Felipe’s dad couldn’t take the emotion and the photo was clicked at that very moment!

Advertising by Metropoles 2 partnersZe Felipe and LeonardoZe Felipe and Leonardo

Leonardo and Zé Felipe reproduction


For the singer, despite the physical similarities, the children went different paths. “Without a doubt, physically similar, in a few lines, a few words… But I would really want them to follow a lot of the things I’ve done in my life, but everyone has their own life, goes where they want,” added he added.

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