Expensive petrol Just a distant memory Here comes the alternative

Expensive petrol? Just a distant memory! Here comes the alternative that will save you a lot of money

Fuel expenses are undoubtedly one of the items that have the greatest impact on Italian families’ budgets. But the music is changing and for the better. Here because.

Rising fuel prices have been a plague plaguing Italian motorists for some time. And the situation has literally accelerated, especially after the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. It is estimated that Italians spend about 7% of their income on supplies. So more than 1,200 euros a year. Against this background, many motorists are looking for ideas and tips to save money.

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It must be said that the government has taken various measures to provide financial support to the citizens also in relation to expensive fuel, but the not so rosy situation continues to cause significant difficulties for those who, for various reasons, need to move a motor vehicle.

In fact, according to the latest news, there doesn’t seem to be any sign of the situation improving. On the contrary, it seems that fuel costs will continue to rise, as foreseen by Legislative Decree no. 179 published in the Official Journal on November 23rd.

And yet there is still a glimmer of hope for Italian motorists, it’s alternative fuel. Let’s see what it is and how much it can save you on car refueling.

Expensive fuel: Here comes the alternative that will save you a lot of money

Traveling with your own car is certainly convenient, but at the same time it is quite a burden on the wallet. In addition, the expenses for refueling the car in the Italian household occupy a very high place in the ranking. And with rumors of fuel prices continuing to rise, many motorists are looking for viable, cheaper alternatives.

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Well, with that in mind, there seems to be some excellent news! A Swiss company Synhelion has developed a kind of alternative fuel, he said solar fuel system. Essentially, the Zurich Polytechnic-born startup has developed a strategy that makes it possible to use renewable energy from the sun, converting carbon dioxide into fuel, known as solar fuel, that can be used for any type of engine operation.

In short, an eco-sustainable alternative and very cheap. However, it should be noted that the device is not yet available on the market at this time. But the Swiss company is working on minimizing waiting times and bringing the long-awaited product to market quickly.

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