Gloria Maria is removed by to treat a tumor

Glória Maria is removed by to treat a tumor

Journalist Glória Maria is temporarily away from her duties at Globo to resume treatment for cancer, specifically a lung tumor. According to a statement from the broadcaster this Wednesday (7), Glória, who is one of the presenters of Globo Repórter and was faced with a brain tumor in 2019, is “fine and at home”.

“Glória Maria is away from Globo Repórter and is continuing a new phase of her treatment, which was scheduled a few months ago. She is doing well, at home, with a prognosis that she will not return until next year,” reads the statement by TV Globo.

It is worth remembering that the journalist did not appear in the program aired on Fridays for several weeks. The last time she commanded the attraction was on August 5 of this year. Since then, Sandra Annenberg has been traveling alone on the attraction.

In 2019, Glória discovered she had a benign brain tumor after collapsing in the kitchen at home and hitting her head. When he wanted to investigate the cause of the fall, he discovered the tumor in the brain and had to operate on it quickly. While recovering from the operation, she contracted severe pneumonia.