Rodrigo Faros millionaire salary could lead to his departure from

Rodrigo Faro’s millionaire salary could lead to his departure from Record after the channel announced a cut in the presenter’s earnings, says the columnist


The presenter currently earns a monthly salary of the order of a million reais

By Ysac Freitas

15.12.2022 16:50 BRT

15.12.2022 16:50 BRT

Playback/TV recordingPlayback/TV recordingYsac Freitas

One of the country’s most famous presenters may be saying goodbye after his long career with Record. Coincidentally, the contract with the communicator ends at the end of December, on December 31st, however, there are rumors that this contract will not be renewed as Bishop Edir Macedo Faro wants to cut his salary, which amounts to around BRL 1.2 million reais per month .

The first information comes from the journalist Léo Dias from the Metrópoles portal, who, according to the broadcaster, is aiming for a reduction of up to R$ 900,000. Rodrigo Faro, on the other hand, would not have liked to know that his salary could be reduced in the event of an extension at the station.

Faro caught his name on Sunday afternoons, but his name continues to be speculated on other channels, mainly Globo, where he began his career as one of the most promising actors of his generation.

The communicator pursues the communication career and is established. The Vai Dar Dating host has not yet commented or published on the news circulating on Bishop’s Channel about his uncertain future.