Ana Maria complains about live production of Mais Voce Resolver

Ana Maria complains about live production of Mais Você: “Resolver”

Ana Maria Braga voiced some veiled criticism of TV Globo’s production of ‘Mais Você’ while presenting the program live

Ana Maria Braga starred in a hilarious scene on TV Globo’s Mais Você this Tuesday (20). Without beating about the bush, the morning muse criticized the production of the show itself.

It was even left to the reporter Fabrício Battaglini, who was there live via a direct line from central São Paulo, struggling on the street with his boss’ dissatisfaction.

It all started when the journalist showed a store specializing in sharp knives, and Ana Maria Braga decided to “denounce” the team herself.

“We use a lot of knives here, then the kitchen staff uses them downstairs too, in my experimental kitchen, and there’s a lot of hustle and bustle, and I don’t have that kind of person, you know, who’s just devoted to the knives, everyone has them all. So sometimes knives show up here and they don’t just cut water,” he said.


The presenter also pointed out that this problem with the edge of the knives affects the program when it is already on the air. “And then sometimes we have a problem live and stuff like that. I wanted to solve this problem,” he added.

The presenter Ana Maria Braga

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Ana Maria Braga (Photo: Disclosure)

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Of course, Ana Maria Braga said everything in a relaxed tone, but without neglecting the production issue. Fabrício Battaglini, for example, was in a difficult position when he had to deal with scolding from his boss while on the link.

The reporter also took a funny call from the presenter while he was in downtown São Paulo. He appeared to be eating a generous slice of juicy watermelon live, as the blonde snapped: “What’s this break?”.

Ana Maria Braga criticizes live production (Photo: Reproduction/TV Globo)Ana Maria Braga criticizes live production (Photo: Reproduction/TV Globo)

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