Mom tells you exactly how to make your whites look

Mom tells you exactly how to make your whites look brand new

Mum reveals exactly how to keep your whites looking like new — and how you prep the machine is just as important as the chemicals you use

  • A mom of two shared her tips on how to freshen up white in an instant
  • Carolina McCauley uses hydrogen peroxide, detergent and vinegar
  • She also first extinguishes her machine and adds bicarb soda to the drum

One proud mom revealed exactly how she keeps her white clothes looking brand new despite having two young kids, and it’s super easy.

Carolina McCauley, from Perth, Western Australia, shared a video to show her 2.4 million followers how they can keep their white looks whiter too.

The mother-of-two begins the video by showing off her bed, dressed in white linen and cream throws.

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Carolina McCauley shared how you can whiten your white clothes with simple steps

Carolina McCauley shared how you can whiten your white clothes with simple steps

First, she wipes down her washing machine to make sure “it’s spotless,” then pours half a cup of baking soda into the empty drum.

Next, she adds her white sheets before warning people to be “gentle” with the detergent.

Next, she adds a capful of hydrogen peroxide to the detergent.

Then she puts vinegar in the fabric softener chute before washing them in hot water.

She said she always dry her sheets in the sun or put them in the dryer on low heat.

And people loved the video.

Carolina likes to wipe down her machine before doing whites She also uses baking soda in the keg

Carolina wipes down the machine before adding baking soda before putting clothes in the machine

“Thanks – I always have trouble with white people, they look boring on me but I’ll try,” said one woman.

While another said she also uses vinegar and hydrogen peroxide and “swears by them.”

But some people were quick to point out problems with Carolina’s hack.

She adds a little dish soap before pouring hydrogen peroxide over it She always uses vinegar instead of fabric softener

She adds a little detergent before dousing it with hydrogen peroxide — then she adds vinegar into the fabric softener slot

“I’ve heard that vinegar can damage the rubber seal around the drum in front-loading machines,” said one woman.

“Don’t use hydrogen peroxide and vinegar in the same load, it forms peracetic acid and is super corrosive,” said another.

While others commented, “Vinegar smells bad though.”