Ukraine Lets not allow Vladimir Putin to turn hunger into

Ukraine: “Let’s not allow Vladimir Putin to turn hunger into a weapon of war and chaos”

grandstand. After the images of Boutcha that mark the return of the most total horror in Europe; After destroying wheat stocks, mining Ukrainian ports and undermining all logistics infrastructure for shipping, Vladimir Putin ordered the bombing of dairy farms, while his former prime minister and former president Dmitry Medvedev said he wanted to limit Russian wheat exports only to “friendly countries”, those who did not denounce Russian aggression in Ukraine.

Giuliano da Empoli, Italian writer and journalist, recently said at the France Inter microphone: “If you are not strong enough to enforce your order, you have no choice but to resort to chaos. Vladimir Poutine decided to use the famine to sow chaos, unrest and violence in the world, especially in the most vulnerable countries heavily dependent on Russian and Ukrainian grain. We Europeans must prevent that. As ?

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First, we need to be there with food aid for the Ukrainians to resist. Then, in the short term, we must avoid the food crisis that is threatening certain parts of Africa and the Middle East in a few months, by containing tensions in the markets, by keeping the borders open, by continuing to export, by avoiding overstocking, by being transparent about equities , in a few words: by preventing national egoism from prevailing.

Listen to the concerns of our breeders

This is the aim of the Food and Agriculture Resilience Mission initiative, Mission of Agricultural and Food Resilience (FARM), launched by the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, within the framework of the French EU Presidency and in partnership with the G7 countries.

Then we have to prepare for crisis management. As we have done with Covax for vaccines against Covid-19, we must put in place a mechanism that will allow us to respond in solidarity to the possible crisis by redistributing food in the most vulnerable countries.

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If the European Union is not faced with the threat of famine thanks to the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), which has been able to guarantee food security, the response must nevertheless be European. We need to hear the concerns of our breeders who fear not being able to feed their livestock and of households who suffer from inflation in basic commodities.

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