These five personalities were skinned pretty badly at Bye Bye

These five personalities were skinned pretty badly at Bye Bye 2022 –

There were some fakes at Bye Bye 2022 on Saturday night that made us cringe.

We therefore offer you our 5 best Quebec personalities scratched the most in Simon-Olivier Fecteau’s annual review.

5 – Stephane Rousseau

It wasn’t extremely evil, it was actually quite nice, but under the guise of humor we still let it be known that Stéphane Rousseau’s acting in STAT wasn’t excellent.

Pierre-Yves Roy-Desmarais, the star of the game of this Bye Bye, made us laugh a lot by taking turns with the comedian’s different characters, from Scott Towel to Rico Chico via Mrs. Jigger.


4 – Francois Legault

The Prime Minister gets a few rights to the Bye Bye every year. This time he found himself in the offices of the Lapointe-MacDonald law firm seeking legal advice on how to answer the “different” questions journalists keep asking him.

– Mr Legault, are you a sovereignist, yes or no?

– I am a nationalist.

– Sovereignistic.

– I refer to my ambiguous slogans.

Then there was the impressive Claude Legault!


3 – Vanessa Sicotte, the Sunwing vaper

A Top Gun parody was reserved for influencers partying on a Sunwing flight while Quebec was in lockdown.

The one nicknamed “the Sunwing steamer” was subjected to quite violent treatment. The parody’s title – Top Conne – was dedicated to her and an exchange between Patrick Huard and her hit hard:

– What are you doing here?

– Well, I’m a pilot.

– A what?

– A pilot

– A what?

– A plotter

– Not I who said it.


2 – Julie Snyder

We envisioned the double cast controversy being addressed in Bye Bye. What we less expected is that the producer is so scratched.

We could see her in a parody of Le Monde à l’envers where, like her visit to Tout le monde en parle (which she remembers bitterly), she had to defend her production.

The sentence that hurt the most was Sarah-Jeanne Labrosse’s last, echoing her: “I’ve been doing Quebec TV for 25 years and everyone in the community knows how nice I am. and non-toxic. This statement was followed by an awkward silence.


1 – Philip Bond

Sexual misconduct was portrayed in a segment titled Le Gala des Misconducts. Philippe Bond, played by Pier-Luc Funk, conducted the ceremony: “We will celebrate the cream of the seed all evening”.

The host himself ended up winning the misconduct of the year trophy. As we left the scene of the crime, we saw him walking past behind bars, it was striking to say the least.


We invite you to read our review of Bye Bye 2022 here.