Southwest Airlines is offering 25000 points to passengers hit by

Southwest Airlines is offering 25,000 points to passengers hit by the travel crisis

The bonus miles, which the airline says are in addition to ticket refunds and reimbursement of expenses, were accompanied by a letter from Southwest Chief Executive Bob Jordan.

“I know that no apology can undo your experience,” Mr. Jordan’s letter said.

The airline did not disclose the number of passengers affected by nearly 16,000 flight cancellations and did not disclose the number of points awarded on Tuesday.

Southwest travelers reported long waits after clicking a link to add the bonus points to their frequent flyer accounts.

Sean Fox, a Virginia-based IBM consultant, received a message that read: “Thank you for your patience. Your estimated wait time is 1 hour and 5 minutes. We experience high traffic and use a virtual queue to limit the number of users on the site at one time.”

Mr. Jordan calls the 25,000 Rapid Rewards points, Southwest’s frequent flyer currency, a “gesture of goodwill.” Families and other groups traveling together receive 25,000 points per person.

The airline says the bonus points issued to travelers whose flights were disrupted between Dec. 24 and Jan. 2 are worth more than $300. Value varies as points redemption at Southwest is based on factors such as distance and demand.

For example, the 25,000 points are enough to travel from Phoenix to Maui, Hawaii, during a slow holiday season at the end of January. They would only cover a one-way ticket from Chicago to Fort Lauderdale, Florida on Presidents Day weekend.

Travelers can search for points on the Southwest website.

Mr Jordan’s letter also said the airline was working “with great urgency” to process requests for refunds and refunds and to reunite passengers with their lost luggage.

Mr. Fox missed watching his alma mater, UCLA, play the Sun Bowl in El Paso, Texas on Friday because of Southwest’s flight problems. He says missing the college football game was a minor inconvenience compared to the travel woes of others. A friend had to drive from Austin, Texas to Tucson, Arizona to celebrate his family’s first Christmas together in three years.

Mr. Fox, who was a frequent flyer in the Southwest before moving to Virginia, said he was pleasantly surprised by the airline’s email on Tuesday. His group of three received 75,000 Rapid Rewards points. They are worth more than the price he paid for the tickets, he says.

“We’ll probably save her and go to Florida later this year,” he says.

Southwest Airlines has canceled up to 11,000 flights since December 22 as customers struggled to reach their destinations and locate lost luggage. The airline said its reduced flight schedule would extend at least through Thursday. Photo: Albuquerque Journal/Zuma Press

Write to Dawn Gilbertson at [email protected]

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