Media concentration affects democracy says Atilio Boron

The Bolivian President starts a fish farming project on Titicaca

“La Paz is entering the era of industrialization of its products, this very important value creation,” said the President, in his words at the start of the investment, worth 87.7 million bolivianos (almost $13 million) and located 121 kilometers from the government capital of the country.

On his first day of work in 2023, Arce confirmed that the industrialization process will continue in the current year, stressing that the modern plant envisages the complete production cycle.

He described that it will range from the generation of juvenile fish to the industrialization of fish meat, which will consolidate food security and sovereignty.

The dignitary shared that these products will benefit consumers and those from other departments who value the quality of Lake Titicaca trout.

For his part, the Minister for Productive Development and Pluralistic Economy, Néstor Huanca, recalled that with Supreme Decree 4752 of July 2022, the Head of State had guaranteed an investment of almost $13 million.

He pointed out that the complex will have a genetic improvement laboratory with a production capacity of more than a million improved tripoid fry and 631 cages installed in the lake for the production of 588 tons of trout.

Likewise, it will have an industrial processing plant for this meat, with a capacity of 976 tons, which will allow it to produce fillets and whole gutted trout for the domestic market and for export.

He added that there will be a balanced feed industrial plant with a capacity of 2,000 tons for the plant’s consumption and sale to fish farmers in the region.

From an ecological point of view, Huanca stressed that the complex will have a residue treatment system that will prevent contamination of the lake and facilitate the annual production of about 50 tons of fishmeal.

The minister acknowledged the Autonomous Government of San Pedro de Tiquina, which had guaranteed a 2.48 hectare piece of land, stressing that the project will be settled on an area of ​​1.95 hectares.

In statements to Prensa Latina, Tiquina Mayor Luciano Marconi said that this project will benefit more than 30,000 people with direct and indirect jobs and 3,988 agricultural production units in the region.

He specified that the area includes 16 fishing communities, specifically in the provinces of Manco Kapac, Omasuyos, Eliodoro Camacho, Ingavi and Los Andes.
