1672809999 Illegal migration brake on asylum new chancellors power word

Illegal migration, brake on asylum new chancellor’s power word

Serbia has suspended visa-free travel for Indians! As of now, the third largest group of refugees needs a visa to fly to Belgrade.

Chancellor Karl Nehammer and Interior Minister Gerhard Karner continue to put a brake on asylum. After Serbia lifted the visa waiver for Tunisia on 20 November 2022 following the visits of Nehammer and Karner, Belgrade kept its promises and lifted the visa waiver for India on 1 January 2023. government Karl Nehammer, Aleksandar Vučić and Victor Orban agreed to this procedure in Budapest in early October – reported “Heute”.

Bang Effect – Thousands of Indians just before deportation

Above all, men from India and Tunisia flew to Belgrade without a visa and then entered the European Union with the help of criminal smugglers. In Austria, India and Tunisia rank third and fourth in asylum statistics.

Video: Waiting for asylum rooms

By the end of November, there were:

➤ 17,912 entries from Indians

➤ 12,493 entries from Tunisians

The example of Tunisia shows that the visa requirement works. While there were still around 2,500 applications in October, there was a drop of around 93% after the end of the visa requirement. A similar development can also be expected for asylum claims from Indians.

“Asylum brake shows effect”

“The asylum brake is having an effect. The end of the visa waiver is another important step in the fight against illegal migration. This means that significantly fewer irregular migrants from Tunisia are already arriving in Austria and we now expect the same from Indians It was the intensive talks, in particular the talks with Serbian President Vučić, that made this success possible”, said Federal Chancellor Karl Nehammer.

And Interior Minister Gerhard Karner adds: “The end of visa-free entry for Indian citizens in Serbia is, on the one hand, an important measure in consistent action against illegal migration and, on the other hand, the smuggling mafia restricts the basis of their inhuman business.”

“The close cooperation with the states of the Western Balkans and Hungary is a decisive factor in the fight against the human smuggling mafia. “We will continue intensely this year”, said Gerhard Karner.

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