They think were suitcases and the winners are

They think we’re suitcases: and the winners are…

The gala season started this week the golden globes; The Oscars are coming soon…

But if there are rewards for those who fill us with joy through their accomplishments, I think we lack recognition from people of a different category: those who simply fill us up.

So I decided to offer the first Golden Pinocchio Awards.

Telling small canards is not enough to win.

George Santos

It takes something extraordinary. A great storytelling, a total unbelievability where it is clear that the artist thinks the world is a suitcase and doesn’t care if he notices it.

It was to immediately feature this newly elected House of Representatives George Santos, a child prodigy, in its first season.

It’s really pathological at home and he risks being expelled for his outrageousness. Unsurprisingly, his Trumpist colleagues are defending him.

Sandro Grande


The subcategory that impresses me the most is “one thing and its opposite”. That’s the height of bullshit: saying diametrically opposed things to the same people when it’s obviously impossible for both to be true at the same time.

Two candidates apply for this specialization.

The first is Sandro Grande, who was a CF Montreal staffer for 18 hours. When his grotesque and infamous words wishing Pauline Marois dead after the Metropolis attack broke, he said his account had been hacked. This week he apologized for writing what was supposedly written by someone else! A very strong performance worth mentioning in this category.

Legault also in the running

File photo, Stevens LeBlanc

But the judges look at the entire work when awarding the prize.

Because of this, the One Thing and Its Opposite category includes a much more famous character in 2023.

This is the Premier of Quebec for his stunning performance on the Sophie Brochu file.

François Legault fully deserved this nomination, both for the bravery of his performance and for his “trust me” look, reminiscent of Richard Nixon’s “I’m not a crook”.

During a press conference the day after the President of Hydro-Québec resigned, our brave Prime Minister almost shed a tear when he said there was no dispute over direction with Ms. Brochu.

Seconds later, at the same press conference, he said he would replace her with someone “in development mode” and made it clear that there was indeed a dispute.

The main prize 2023: Trudeau

But beware, there’s another player in the running who came out of nowhere at the last minute.

On a trip to Mexico amid a scandal surrounding the hefty contracts his own Council of Ministers gave to consulting firm McKinsey, Justin Trudeau acted surprised!

He announced that he wanted an investigation to find out how it happened!

That, ladies and gentlemen, is what defines a Golden Pinocchio winner.

The vote was of course verified by McKinsey.

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