Mike Pence signs the candidacy for the 2024 elections in

Mike Pence signs the candidacy for the 2024 elections in the USA

At least, that’s the impression he gave in an interview with The Hill newspaper, in which he addressed the chaos his co-religionists wreaked in the House of Representatives last week for the election of Kevin McCarthy as president of that legislature.

He also touched on the role abortion played for the GOP in November’s disappointing midterm elections, as well as other considerations about his political future.

Pence has spent the last few months touring the country, including stops in the first states of the primary where he presented his new book and presented some policy proposals, the press office recalled.

“We will continue to travel,” said the vice president during the Donald Trump administration (2017-2021) from his office in this capital.

“We will continue to listen very carefully and make a decision over the coming months about what role we could play, either as a national candidate or as a voice for our conservative values,” he said.

However, Pence’s political future depends in many ways on how voters view him in relation to Trump, the newspaper warned.

The newspaper commented that as vice president he was unwaveringly loyal to his boss for four years, but both “distanced themselves after Pence rejected Trump’s pressure campaign to annul the 2020 election results.”

In yesterday’s interview, Pence was careful not to openly criticize Trump, even on areas where the two disagree, although he made it clear that the GOP will have better options in the 2024 presidential race.

So far, the only declared candidate is the former president, but his campaign continues to show no signs of activity as Trump currently rarely travels or attends public events outside of Florida.

“I think it needs new leadership. And I have every confidence that the American people and Republican voters will have better options in 2024,” said the former White House number two.
