Maduro defends creation of Latin block in conversation with Lula

Maduro defends creation of Latin block in conversation with Lula

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro said he had spoken to at least three leftwing presidents, including Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT), about the eventual formation of a political bloc by Latin American countries.

“I recently spoke to President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva on the phone. I spoke personally to President Gustavo Petro and I spoke to President Alberto Fernández. A new moment is coming, a special moment to join the efforts and paths of the peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean to promote the formation of a powerful bloc of political forces,” Maduro said.

In the Venezuelan president’s view, the political bloc would build “new poles of power” in a perceived alliance with China and Russia, whose respective presidents Maduro has dubbed “elder brothers.”

“This community of destiny that our big brother President Xi Jinping is talking about. Or this multipolar and multicentric world that our big brother, President Vladimir Putin, is talking about,” he added. “For this world to emerge, a unified and progressive bloc of Latin America and the Caribbean is required. And Venezuela is at the forefront of the fight to build this world.”

The statements were made by the dictator during a speech to the National Assembly on Thursday (12). The body is controlled by the Maduro regime, as are the executive branch and the judiciary.

The report called the Planalto Palace and is awaiting a return. The space is open to manifestation.

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The Venezuelan is close to Lula and was invited to the PT’s inauguration ceremony on Jan. 1 but did not attend the event. In principle, an ordinance issued by former President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) was in effect, banning “senior officials of the Venezuelan regime” from entering the country.

The measure dates back to 2019 and was signed by then Ministers Sergio Moro (Justice and Public Security) and Ernesto Araújo (Foreign Affairs). The reasoning is that the actions of the current Venezuelan regime “contradict the principles and goals of the Federal Constitution, which attack democracy, the dignity of the human person and the validity of human rights”.

However, at the end of the year the ordinance was lifted, allowing Maduro to enter Brazil. However, the dictator did not attend the event and sent a representative in his place the President of the National Assembly of Venezuela, Jorge Rodríguez.