Ce Posta per Te a twist between Adele and her

C’è Posta per Te, a twist between Adele and her son Giovanni!

Based on the story of Nicola and Annalisa, with an unexpected epilogue, engaging the audience of C’è Posta per Te was the touching story of a young mother, Adele, who does not see his son John since three years.

It all started after the woman decided to part with her husband, the father of her children. The man, very manly, chauvinistic and authoritarian, forbade her everything, even training as a beautician. The words used were on the edge of the Middle Ages, such as: “You pulled your head out of your pocket, now go”.

After her parents separated John he preferred to go and live with his father, broke ties with his mother and even gave her an aut aut: either you come back with dad or I won’t talk to you anymore.

As the colleagues from Fanpage.it report, the words of Adele They were very strong, someone even shed a tear:

You have been my life since the first day you were born. You were a strong emotion. It’s all gone. Help me to be your mother again. I love you like crazy. give me an explanation

How can you think that I don’t love you John? Mama loves you, how can I not love you? Since you’ve been gone for three years, a part of my heart has died with you. Let me be your mother because I am your mother. I’m hearing from customers who have it on Facebook through you. Sometimes my daughter Roberta, the sister, shows me TikTok. Sometimes I asked some of his friends. I beg you. John come back with mom What did I do wrong that I have all this?

John remained firm in his positions:

My father and mother separated for the economy. Let’s say my mother lacked material things, that’s why they broke up. I don’t talk to my grandmother anymore because of my mother, because she only told bad news. You don’t win a son back with flowers, but with facts. I feel nothing for my mother. If he loved me, he didn’t tell my paternal grandmother, but told Giovanni that he died for me.

Hence the decision to close the envelope and the people of the internet petrified and the woman burst into tears.

However, after the recordings of C’è Posta per Te! The two would meet again. Adele so he could finally hug his son again:

Some time after the recording, mother and son found each other again.

mummy Adele:
“The best moment is in your arms…
My little big man…
With you my life is complete…
I’m so happy”

“After a long time I found the courage to approach my mother again”