An artisan cheesemaker from Hautes-Pyrénées, France, experienced the scare of his life when a 15-ton stone rolling down the mountain landed at the gate of his cheese farm.
Yann Mondot, a cheesemaker from Louvie-Soubiron, felt his blood run cold after last Tuesday’s mishap when a large stone came loose from the mountain and slid down the Ouzom valley.
“In the late afternoon around 4:30 p.m. I was alone on the farm when I noticed that blocks had come loose from higher up,” Yann Mondot said in a Facebook post.
“My first instinct was to flee to the other side of the bridge because I feared the worst,” said the cheesemaker, adding that fortunately no one was injured in the incident.
On social media, the miracle craftsman, who admits he was “very scared,” reported no damage as the houses were miraculously spared from the large stone.
The cheesemaker’s release was widely commented on by internet users, saying they were glad no one was hurt.
The local mayor and a mountain land restoration expert (RTM) went to the scene to assess the situation and evacuate the rock.