After dinner, the VIPs decide to spend the Sunday evening talking, fun games, puzzles and lots of laughter.
While Sarah, micol and Alberto they devote themselves to washing dishes and the kitchen, in the garden of the house some competitors decide to let their imagination run wild: the VIPs, disguised as actors, stage a story that tells a crime that the inspector has to solve Attilio and by the deputy inspector charlie.
Immediately after the mystery of the crime is solved, the competitors decide to challenge each other in pantomime. The competitors to present is Edowhile Edward – in the role of competition judge – assigns each of them a score based on their ability. While there are those in the hall of the house who prefer to play the famous game “Lupus in fabula”, meanwhile, play in the courtyard Oriana want to share with Patrizia, pamela, George, Wilma and Daniele a very famous game in Spain called “Veo veo”: each of the VIPs, after singing the song, must identify the first letter of the mysterious object, while the rest of the group is asked to guess it.
In the most spied on house in Italy, the Vippons let their imaginations run wild with laughter and a pinch of mystery by getting involved in bizarre games.