A man dies after an insulin injection given to him

A man dies after an insulin injection given to him by his partner

A diabetic woman has been charged with attempted murder in France after she gave her partner, who later died, insulin to “show him what it feels like to suffer from hypoglycemia,” prosecutors told AFP on Thursday.

At the end of July, this 59-year-old woman from Glomel in Côtes-d’Armor, western France, admitted giving insulin to her partner one evening.

According to prosecutors, he remained unconscious the next day, was hospitalized and died about two weeks later.

The woman, a diabetic, confirmed that she “voluntarily injected her partner with insulin, without him objecting, to show him what it feels like to be hypoglycemic” because he had told her that he had type 1 diabetes (insulin dependent) is a benign disease. ‘ reports the prosecution.

She had already been charged with “attempted murder of a wife” before the man’s death.

This woman had already been convicted “for serious acts of violence in the domestic environment,” the indictment specifies.

In 2022, 145 people were victims of violent deaths within a couple, including 118 women and 27 men.