A missing couple39s yacht is found in the Caribbean with

A missing couple's yacht is found in the Caribbean with signs of violence


Photo: Reproduction: Social Networks

Ralph Hendry and his wife Kathy Brandel are missing in the USA. The two were last seen on Sunday the 18th. The couple lived on the ship Simplicityfound in the Caribbean, with signs of violence.

According to local police investigations, their yacht was used by three criminals who had escaped from a local prison and were attempting to leave the country. Ron Mitchell (30), Trevon Robertson (19) and Abita Stanislaus (20) are the suspects in the crime and were found on Wednesday the 20th.

According to investigations, Hendry and Brandel may have been kidnapped, killed and thrown into the sea by the refugee trio. The couple's yacht was abandoned in port in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. The person who located him reported seeing signs of violence and blood on the ship, supporting the theory.

The three were serving prison sentences for violent robbery and assault; the oldest had also been convicted of three attempted rapes, according to police. They have been in prison since December last year and an investigation is now underway into the disappearance of the Hendry couple.

“The RGPF is currently working on evidence that suggests that the two occupants of the yacht may have died. It is believed that the occupants of the yacht were American citizens,” police clarified in a Facebook post.

Source: Redação Terra