A Lula supporter in Curitiba (Portal/Rodolfo Buhrer)
The electoral intent of the former Brazilian president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva rose slightly from 46% to 47% during that of the President Jair Bolsonaro remained stagnant two weeks before the presidential elections.
According to the survey of Ipec Instituteon behalf of the television channel Globo, Lula is now 16 percentage points ahead of the current Presidenta percentage point more than in the survey published on September 12.
In a possible second round, the leader of the progressive Labor Party (PT) would win with 54% of the vote, compared to 35% Bolsonaro would receive. Lula’s voting intention increased by one percentage point compared to the previous Ipec poll, while the current president’s decreased by the same proportion.
Likewise, 47% of respondents thought the Bolsonaro government was “bad or terrible,” two percentage points higher than in the September 12 poll. The proportion of voters who rate it as “good or excellent” remained stable at 30%.
Jair Bolsonaro and Lula daSilva
Dislike for the President, on the other hand, remained at 50%, while dislike for Lula fell two percentage points to 33%.
The poll, which has an error rate of two percentage points, was conducted on 3,008 people between September 17th and 18th in 181 municipalities in the country.
Despite the fact that all the polls indicate the former union leader’s victory, Bolsonaro has reiterated that he will win in the first ballot, scheduled for October 2nd.
Army Reserve Captain has questioned the reliability of Brazil’s current electoral systemalthough there have been no reports of fraud since 1996 and the opposition fears that if they lose, they will not honor the election results.
(With information from EFE)
Lula da Silva remains top favorite in the presidential elections in Brazil During the election campaign in Brazil, the press is attacked every second on social networks