Bitter enemies since the beginning of this issue, Nikita Pelizon and Antonino spinal broom recently they seem to have shed their misunderstandings in favor of a more peaceful and serene coexistence.
That morning, after listening to some of Antonino’s comments about him, Nikita seeks the final confrontation and asks the roommate to clear his mind once and for all. In fact, Antonino commented with a certain irony and a pinch of critical tone on Nikita’s decision to take him with him Antonella, Attilius and Luke won at dinner a few days ago.
In response, Antonino, after explaining that he found his decisions wise and in favor of the public, finally said to Nikita: According to the VIP, the model had the special ability to always make the right move and, like an experienced communicator, who often spreads positive messages and always behaves with the utmost correctness. Without claiming to judge his behavior as wrong, Antonino adds: “Unlike me, you never lose your lucidity”.
“Seeing you there a lot is almost always a conspiracy,” he continues, suggesting that Nikita’s behavior conveys the idea of being studied and calculated to please the public. Nikita is amazed by Antonino’s words and, after noticing his approach, admits that she misunderstood his intentions. The VIP believed Antonino had changed his mind about her and finally wanted to try to get to know her in a friendly way.
“Starting a friendly relationship is very different from being polite and kind,” Antonino replies, explaining that he simply limited himself to treating her with kindness and grace, especially in situations where others were not treating her.
In short, the one between Antonino and Nikita seems like an armed truce: will the two decide to continue living together peacefully, or will their rivalry soon be revived?