According to the study turbulence should become stronger and more.webp

According to the study, turbulence should become stronger and more frequent; learn more!

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This is what a British study by the University of Reading found climate change can directly affect the increase in turbulence and cause even more accidents.

According to the researchers, clear skies in 2050 will not mean a smooth ride. The forecast says that clear air turbulence (TAC) will double by this year. In addition, flights at higher altitudes over the North Atlantic will be most affected by increased severe turbulence.

Can turbulence cause serious accidents?

The research focused on analyzing clear air turbulence (TAC), that is, that which occurs under clear, cloudless skies and does not show up on radar. These can lead to minor and serious accidents in addition to malaise, tachycardia and nausea.


An example of an accident occurred on a flight from Tokyo to Hawaii. The radar devices did not detect anything in it and there was not even a cloud in the sky. Despite this, several passengers were injured and one died.

Researchers used three types of computer simulations to see how often TACs will occur by 2050. And unfortunately, final data showed that every time the global nearsurface temperature increases by 1°C, TACs will increase by 14% in the fall summer season and 9% in winter and spring.

The way to avoid clear air turbulence is to choose routes where this phenomenon occurs less frequently, even if it still causes longer journeys. However, the question remains: how to contribute positively to climate change when airplanes are the largest emitters of greenhouse gases?

The tip for passengers is to respect the aircraft lights, keep your seat belt fastened and always listen to the crew for messages.

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