Advance on the Southern Front Ukraine apparently overcomes the Surovikin

Advance on the Southern Front: Ukraine apparently overcomes the “Surovikin Line” with heavy equipment for the first time Tagesspiegel

Ukrainian troops the main Russian line of defense in southern Ukraine At Robotyne, it was apparently overcome for the first time with heavy equipment.

As shown in geolocated images shared on X by George Barros of the American think tank Institute for the Study of War (ISW), Ukrainians a dirt road was built between Robotyne and Werbowewhich represents a gap in the trench and the dragon’s teeth.

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Ukrainians should use this Moved Stryker and Marder tanks behind the main defensive line to have. Barros interprets the approach to mean that Kiev is preparing for a new advance.

The Ukrainians achieved this almost two weeks ago to create a breach in the main line of defense between Robotyne and Werbowe. The objective was to widen the gap to such a point that a mechanized advance with Western tanks would be possible.

Previously, well-developed Russian defenses, including minefields, had slowed down the Ukrainian counteroffensive for weeks. With the offensive that has been going on since the beginning of June, Ukrainians want to advance to the Sea of ​​Azov. However, experts doubt that this can still be achieved.

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The main line of defense stretches across the entire front, several hundred kilometers long, in the south and east of Ukraine. It is also called “Surovikin Line”.in honor of the former Russian commander-in-chief Sergei Surovikin, responsible for its construction in winter.

In the south, the “Surovikin Line” is particularly well developed because Russia was waiting there for the main thrust of the Ukrainian counter-offensive – which was also carried out exactly there.